Shitake Mushroom Stuffed Acorn Squash

Shitake mushrooms are an undervalued item. They’re commonly found in Asian cuisines, have an earthy taste, and offer a wonderful umami flavor. When I was growing up, my parents often stir-fried shitake mushrooms with shredded pork or put them in with beef roasts. Shitake mushrooms have a great chew similar to that of portabella mushrooms. The best thing about them is that they typically come dried in packages that you rehydrate when ready to use – makes it easier to always have them on hand. Here I show you how I make shitake mushroom stuffed acorn squash. It is also vegan for those who prefer vegan dishes.

What You’ll Need:

1 cup dried shitake mushrooms

3 small acorn squashes

1 small thumb of ginger

1 small tomato

1 15 oz can of black beans

Olive oil

Garlic Powder


Black Pepper

  1. The above recipe is enough to serve 3-6 people (depending on how much each person eats). Rehydrate the shitake mushrooms. This process typically takes about 30 minutes to 1 hour. 
  2. While waiting for the shitake mushrooms to rehydrate, cut the acorn squash in half. Get rid of the seeds. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Drizzle with some olive oil. Roast flesh side up at 425 °F for 40 minutes.
  3. While waiting for the acorn squash to roast, dice the rehydrated shitake mushrooms into small pieces. In an oiled pan, sauté that with finely diced ginger. Add the black beans (I’m lazy so I use canned beans instead of rehydrating/cooking my own beans. With canned beans, it’s important to get rid of most of the aquafaba such that the sautéed mixture is not too watery). Add some garlic powder, salt, and black pepper to taste. Lastly, add the diced tomato. The tomato helps add some color to the stuffing.
  4. At the end of 40 minutes, the acorn squash should be almost completely cooked. Turn the oven temperature down to 350 °F.
  5. Stuff the shitake mushroom mixture into the acorn squash. Put the stuffed acorn squash back in the oven at 350 °F for 25 minutes. And the dish is done.

This stuffed acorn squash makes a great side dish but can also stand on its own as a main dish.